Posted in Craft tips, motivation, timeless thursday

Do You Remember These Crafts?

…and would you make them today?

It is craft fair season — and I’m madly making items to sell — so I’m sharing a page from an old Workbasket magazine. The feature “Making Cents” highlighted projects for the crafter to sell. Usually made from common household items (these days we call it upcycling,) the projects even included a suggested price range. Why, wouldn’t someone just snap up a hat for a doll made from a nut cup for a mere $.25!  And for about the same price, everyone will be grabbing the crocheted chocolate chip cookie pins off  your table.

Get crackin’, time’s awasting.


Are you participating in craft shows this season? What are you making; what are your best-sellers? Do you have any tips for us? Comment below.

Posted in Craft tips, motivation, Personal

On Making Mistakes


True story: I was weaving in some ends on a project, and when I trimmed the yarn, I cut the wrong yarn. Go figure! Hence, the hole where no hole should be.

The moral is, if you are a maker, you will be a mistake maker. Don’t let it define you. The best batters in baseball get hits in only one-quarter to one-third of  their trips to the plate. But they keep practicing, keep coming back, keep aiming for the fence. Every at bat is a new opportunity.